Posts tagged “Visitor Experience”

What’s New at the AGO?

“What’s new at the AGO?” asks the big signboard on the west wall facing Walker Court. It could correctly answer: “I am!” This is just one of the three questions that the new signboard asks, and then answers with rotating screens of relevant information: What’s new at the AGO? This is my first visit — […]

Frida & Diego: Ofrenda Messages

The wonderful ofrenda at the exit to Frida & Diego, built for us by an artist from Oaxaca, has really engaged our visitors.  They are invited to leave little tributes, and they are responding with great warmth and emotion. If you haven’t dropped by recently, here’s how the shrine looks now — the original, artist-created adornments are almost buried […]

Frida & Diego — a big success

We’ve all guessed it, and we’re right: the  Frida & Diego exhibition is off to a flying start. Alicia Vandermeer  (Director, Visitor Experience) sat down last Thursday for a quick latte in the Espresso Bar and shared attendance results in three key areas: members, paid attendance, and school groups. In all cases, she is measuring […]