Posts tagged “VCAM”

VCAM Conference Detroit 2018

Michelle Abrams, Info Guide, AGO Alumni Chair, and VCAM Region Director 13: Great Lakes Canada, attended the VCAM conference in Detroit, September 24-26.  Here’s her account of the meeting: This past September, the Detroit Institute of the Arts (DIA) hosted the VCAM Conference. The DIA’s volunteers and staff were wonderful hosts and very welcoming. This year’s […]

VCAM 2018 Conference & Newsletter

Did you know that the AGO is a member of Volunteer Committees of Art Museums (VCAM) ? Founded in Toronto in 1952, VCAM facilitates sharing of best practices among museum volunteers.  Each of the 116 member institution provides 2 voting representatives.  AGO Info Guide Michelle Abrams sits on the board as a Regional Director for […]

The Benefits of VCAM

More connections, shared ideas and fresh energy: three big benefits of the VCAM conference, which Info Guide (and Volunteer Executive member) Michelle Abrams brought back to the AGO with her. Some quick background! VCAM stands for Volunteer Committees of Art Museums. It was founded right here in 1952 by some AGO volunteers who wanted to […]