Posts tagged “library”

Library & Archives Unshelved for November: Protest

Library & Archives Unshelved: Protest Wednesday November 29, 2017, 6-8 pm (drop-in) E.P. Taylor Library & Archives In November’s event, archivist Marilyn Nazar gathers photographs, correspondence, and news clippings to trace the dynamic history of protest at the AGO. This monthly drop-in hosted by AGO librarians and archivists gives visitors a first-hand glimpse of highlights […]

Wikipedia Wednesday: Performance Art and Experimental Film editing session

Calling all writers, editors, and Wiki enthusiasts! The AGO Library & Archives is partnering with Pleasure Dome and FADO Performance Art Centre to host a Wikipedia editing session focusing on experimental film, video and performance. This follows on the success of the Art + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-Thons. Participants do not require any specialized knowledge of […]

Library & Archives Unshelved in September: Picturing 19th Century Canada

This free monthly drop-in hosted by AGO librarians and archivists gives visitors a first-hand glimpse of highlights from the AGO Library & Archives collection. In September’s event, librarian Larry Pfaff will host a display of rare 19th century Canadian books illustrated with original albumen print photographs that reveal the early urban landscape. Please visit at […]

Wikipedia Edit-a-Thons: Changing Art History, One Entry at a Time

Wikipedia can be a great place to get info about art and artists, but it has long lagged in including women, people of colour and Canadian artists.  To remedy this, several organizations, including the AGO, have begun hosting “edit-a-thons” to help increase the diversity of representation on this online research site. Inspired by events in […]

Now in library: catalogue for “Florence at the Dawn of the Renaissance”

“It’s a beautiful book,” says Library volunteer Susan Kerr, carefully positioning the newest addition to their collection of Current and Upcoming Exhibition resources. She is talking about Florence at the Dawn of the Renaissance, the 426-page catalogue for the exhibition that will open at the AGO on March 16, 2013. The book is scholarly as […]