Posts tagged “Judith Fox”
From Slacktivists to Skillanthropists – Decoding New Trends at Volunteers Connect
“I suggested the topic, so when it was selected, I figured I might as well go forward with it.” That’s how Felicia Cohen, Weekend GG and new member of the Volunteers Connect steering committee, ended up being one of the panel presenters, along with moderator Shelagh Barrington (Weekend GG) at the Spring 2013 Volunteers Connect […]
Volunteers Connect — through new team-members’ eyes
AGO volunteers have a great history of reaching out to share experiences with other volunteers – and of taking the lead in creating organizations to facilitate the connection. One example: VCAM (Volunteer Committees of Art Museums), a North America-wide network that meets every three years, which was founded right here in 1952. Another example: Volunteers […]