Posts tagged “Gallery Guides”
Artful Conversation – February: Canadian Interventions
Artful Conversation is just what the title promises: an hour of art works and conversation with a Gallery Guide each month, in a selected AGO gallery, around a specific theme. 2nd Friday each month meet in Walker Court at 1:30 p.m. Friday, February 14: Canadian Interventions Gallery Guide Mary Henderson will lead a discussion […]
“Communicating with people about art”
In one sense, Melissa Smith is very new to the AGO. She started work as our fulltime Gallery Guide Coordinator at the beginning of September. In another sense, she has already been here for a long time indeed. “I grew up with the AGO,” says the Ottawa native over coffee in the Café AGO. Her […]
More 2102 Ontario Service Award Winners from the AGO
In addition to the three winners profiled last month, here are more volunteers recognized not only for their long service, but outstanding contributions to the AGO. We asked our winners about their background, what inspires them, and maybe a little something people may not know about them… Stephen Edson, Daytime GG I came to […]
I See iPads!
You’ve probably noticed some Gallery Guides are going about their work with an iPad tucked under one arm. The AGO is in the early, but already rewarding, stages of a project that will encourage and train GGs to use this technology as an additional resource. “It’s so cool,” says Jessica Duarte, who is both the […]
GGs to share innovative workshop at National Docent Symposium
GGs Frances Bleviss and Charlene Livingstone (co-chairs of the Daytime Gallery Guides) were delighted to be selected to present their recently developed workshop at the National Docent Symposium being held this year in San Francisco in October. Using a set of Tarot cards Charlene created (and which are sold in the AGO store) each person […]
Frida & Diego Discussions
Gallery Guides are trying something new, to help our visitors enjoy the Frida & Diego exhibition to the fullest – not specialized tours, but stay-in-one-spot discussions. Interested visitors come to the 5th room of the exhibition (at 2 or 3 p.m. each weekday or 11 a.m. on weekends), where a Gallery Guide leads the group […]