Posts tagged “Art Rental & Sales Group”

Art Rental and Sales Volunteer Program Says Goodbye

After 20 plus years of helping clients find the right works for their homes or offices, the volunteer program of AGO Art Rental & Sales ended this spring. This change comes amidst a larger reorganization of Art Rental, as well as an overall shift away from personal contact towards online shopping and digital files. For […]

As We See It: Art Rental Volunteers Curate New Members Lounge Exhibition

As We See It, a collection of works from AGO Art Rental & Sales, has opened in the Members Lounge.  The show connects with the AGO’s summer exhibitions, From the Forest to the Sea: Emily Carr in British Columbia and Picturing the Americas: Landscape Painting from Tierra del Fuego to the Arctic. Each artist’s work […]

Welcome Home, Art Rental & Sales Group!

“We’ve come back home!” says Betty Meyers, a long-time AGO Art Rental & Sales Group (AR&SG) volunteer. “Again!” she adds, laughing. Elizabeth Petrova, the Coordinator, nods agreement. AR&SG has moved many times over the years, they explain: out to McCaul Street and back, around various locations within the AGO, out again (post-Transformation) to University Avenue, and […]