Posts tagged “art installation”
Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition & Ai WeiWei at Nathan Phillips Square
Browse, buy, enjoy! Check out the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition this weekend and use the opportunity to check out the Ai Wei Wei exhibition preview at Nathan Phillips Square. Friday July 5th and Saturday July 6th – 10:30-7:30 Sunday July 7th – 10:30-6:30. Here are some pics from the July 18 unveiling of Ai’s […]
Floor Burger back on the floor
“It’s a really big burger,” says AGO Contemporary and Inuit conservator Sherry Phillips with a grin. She’s explaining the delighted laughter of visitors who see her opposite the Henry Moore Sculpture Centre, busy restoring Claes Oldenburg’s Floor Burger. Sheer size is partly the reason the work is being done there, instead of upstairs in the […]
Between Exhibitions
An exhibition closes. The doors close behind it. The notice goes up. Weeks and weeks go by. What are they doing in there? A lot, as it happens. And, on average, we still open the next show five to six weeks sooner than comparable art institutions, offering comparable exhibitions. That comparison comes from someone well-placed […]