A visit to Aliye Akbarzadeh’s exhibition, “How Do I Look”

Posted for Barbara Glaser, Volunteer President:

One of my mandates as Volunteer President is to build connections. Highlighting here, a volunteer to volunteer initiative; we can view fellow volunteers’ art/ exhibitions, and come together as a community, to support our fellow volunteers.

Sharing some photos from my recent visit, this past Thursday April 11, to see Gallery Guide Aliye Akbarzadeh‘s exhibition “How Do I Look”, closing this weekend at the Sahar Gallery, 160 Davenport Road (view by appointment).

Love her art, its meaning, context and bringing to life her creativity and back story with such a contemporary lens.

Website link:


Let’s meet together! Online volunteer social to discuss & debate art and appropriation – save the date: April 25, 5:30pm – 6:30pm

Hello volunteers! During this time apart, your Volunteer President Barbara Glaser and myself have been dreaming up ways to gather together, outside of the Gallery.

Next up: we invite you all to watch the new TVO documentary: Whaam! Blam! Roy Lichtenstein And the Art of Appropriation (watch on the TVO website, linked HERE), and then join us for a post-viewing zoom on Thursday April 25, to debate and discuss the movie.


  • Watch the movie, at your individual leisure, via the TVO website linked, HERE, anytime between now and April 25
  • Join us on Thursday April 25, at 5:30pm, on Zoom to debate and discuss as a group!

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 836 2553 7099

Passcode: 419606

If you would like to share images (Lichtenstein works and others – we know this is a big topic in art) to discuss and debate with the group, feel free to send Holly an email message with the name of the artwork/artist you’d like to talk about, and Holly will upload and include their images in a PowerPoint presentation she’ll put together for the group viewing – so we can all see and talk about it all together on the night of 25th.

Some probing initial questions for your to consider:

  • Did Lichtenstein, a pop art icon, create art, or copy it?
  • Was Roy Lichtenstein an appropriation artist, or a plagiarist?

If you have any further questions, just get in touch with Holly. Until then, save-the-date, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Updated April 12 – Gallery remains closed

Hello volunteers,

I understand many of you are awaiting updates about our current situation. Please know that we will keep volunteers informed.

The AGO has been closed since Tuesday March 26, due to a labour disruption. We remain hopeful that we will reach a negotiated agreement with OPSEU soon. We are asking our volunteers to be on standby, for email updates. We will continue to keep you informed with timely communication as it becomes available. Please know, when there is news to share, we will share it.

Thank you for your patience in this challenging time,

Holly Procktor, Volunteer Resources

POSTPONED: Artist Talk – Thursday April 4, with Gallery Guide Janne Reuss

Hello volunteers! Holly, here – I discovered just this morning (Thursday) that our volunteer database is being impacted by a technical issue (our database is hosted by a third-party provider), that is restricting our ability to email many of our volunteers. We’re postponing tonight’s talk with Janne, so that we can ensure she has the audience she deserves – and we’re really looking forward to launching this series at a future date when our communications are secure. For those of you that did log this date in your calendar, Barbara Glaser, Volunteer President, and myself will be online at 5:30pm for a little volunteer social. So, if you’re missing us as much as we are missing you in this time, log on via Zoom, same details below – see you at 5:30pm.

Hello volunteers! We are thrilled to invite you to an exclusive AGO Volunteers Artist Talk with AGO Gallery Guide Janne Reuss. Janne is exhibiting in The Artist Project, opening next weekend, April 11 – 14, in Toronto and we thought this would be a great way to celebrate Janne’s work, excitement, and achievement with fellow volunteers!

  • AGO Volunteers Artist Talk: Janne Reuss on her work and inspiration
  • Thursday April 4
  • 5:30pm – 6:30pm
  • Via ZOOM (linked HERE) – please join no more than 5 minutes before the talk

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 8886 5394
Passcode: 336111

“Trees in the Sky” (image courtesy of Janne Reuss)

About Artist Janne Reuss:

Janne Reuss was born and raised in Mexico City and is currently based in Toronto, Canada. She has been a professional practicing artist for more than two decades, having lived, worked and exhibited her artwork in Mexico, United States, Germany, Italy and Canada — including five solo shows and numerous group exhibitions. She studied Fine Arts at the Academy of Art & Design in Stuttgart, Germany and History of Art in Mexico.

Her preferred media are photography and collage, but she also paints, often cycling fluidly between the three techniques. A constant theme in Janne’s work is her interest in human nature and how memories and experiences are imprinted deep inside of us.

In 2020/2021 Janne participated in residencies at Akin X Collision Gallery and Akin Studio Program Auto BLDG at MOCA, the former culminating in her most important solo exhibition so far: Rewriting the Story, a series of over 20 overpainted photomontages.

Please see Janne’s website for more: https://janneartdot.wordpress.com/

We’re really grateful for the opportunity to connect during this time when the Gallery is closed. A big thank you to Janne, from Volunteer President Barbara Glaser & myself. We hope you can join us! – Holly Procktor, Volunteer Resources

You’re invited: Volunteer Alieh Akbarzadeh’s “How Do I Look” – opening April 5

Congratulations to Gallery Guide Alieh (Aliye) Akbarzadeh, on the eve of her first solo exhibition – please see invitation, below:

A message from the Gallery’s Director:

We are thrilled to invite you to the solo exhibition of the talented young artist Alieh Akbarzadeh at Sahar K. Boluki Gallery. The exhibition, titled “How Do I Look,” showcases Alieh’s captivating work created through fabric collages and sewing techniques.  

Alieh’s art delves into the complexities of identity, dislocation, and vulnerability, inviting viewers to contemplate these profound themes through her unique artistic lens.  

  • Please join us for the opening reception:
  • April 5th
  • 5:00pm – 9:00pm
  • Sahar K. Boluki Gallery
  • 160 Davenport

This is an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of this up-and-coming artist and witness her remarkable talent firsthand.   We look forward to celebrating with you at this special event.

– Warm regards, Sahar

Make sure to RSVP your attendance, to help the Gallery prepare to welcome guests – please RSVP, HERE.

Congratulations Alieh!

AGO OPSEU Bargaining Update- OPSEU strike

Monday March 25, 10:00pm

Dear Volunteers, 

Unfortunately, this evening we received notice from OPSEU that they have rejected the Gallery’s offer, and have chosen to go on strike, effective immediately.

 This means that tomorrow, Tuesday March 26, the AGO will be closed due to a labour disruption. We remain hopeful that we will reach a negotiated agreement with OPSEU soon.

We are asking our volunteers to be on standby, for email updates. We will continue to keep you informed with timely communication.  

Important AGO Volunteers Update – possible Labour Disruption

Dear Volunteers,

As many of you may have read in the news, and/or seen in an informational picket at the Gallery, the AGO is facing a potential labour disruption. We want to take this opportunity to provide you with an update on our current situation.

The collective bargaining negotiations between AGO Management and OPSEU (the union representing many of our employees who work across the gallery) are ongoing.

A strike deadline has been set by OPSEU for Monday, March 25th, 12:01am (one minute after midnight). A negotiation meeting is planned for Sunday, March 24th as a means to avoid a potential strike/lockout. Both sides, Labour and Management, are committed to reaching a resolution, but in the event that a strike/lockout cannot be averted, plans are being developed.

On Monday, March 25th, we will provide all volunteers with an update, via email.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Holly Procktor,

Coordinator, Volunteer Resources

Barbara Glaser, Volunteer President

Alain Graham, Chief, People Division (HR)

AGO Volunteer Outing: Tour the Gardiner Museum’s Magdalene Odundo: A Dialogue with Objects exhibition – Monday March 25 (RSVP required)

Hello volunteers,

One of my mandates as Volunteer President is to build connection and community. With Holly’s help, I look forward to planning outings to sister arts and cultural sites, with the intention of helping us meet and get acquainted with each other socially, outside of our various shifts and placements, and enjoy enrichment activities, together!

Installation view. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid, Courtesy Gardiner Museum.

I’m excited to share our first excursion will be to the Gardiner Museum with an exclusive, Gardiner-volunteer led tour of the Magdalene Odundo: A Dialogue with Objects exhibition, linked HERE.

  • DATE: Monday March 25
  • TIME: 10:45am – 11:45am (please meet at Gardiner Museum, not AGO)
  • NOTE: Option to join Barbara and fellow volunteers for lunch – see details, below!

This is a great opportunity for us to meet fellow volunteers, learn from and get-to-know a “partner institution.” (The Gardiner Museum is a member of the Reciprocal Agreement, and as such, volunteer admission is free).

Important details to note:

  • Space for this outing is limited, and on a first come basis – to register your attendance, please RSVP to [email protected] (Final registration date is end of day Monday March 18, but please reply early to ensure your spot)
  • Barbara will keep a cancellation waitlist should the tour fill entirely, so please be in touch (and don’t panic – this is the first in a series of outings we are planning)
  • Make sure to bring your AGO volunteer badge to the outing, as you will need your badge for reciprocal admission.
  • OPTIONAL LUNCH: After the tour, and for those interested, there will also be the opportunity to gather together for lunch (at volunteers’ own expense)- details to be discussed. If you would like to be included in lunch plans please let Barbara know when you RSVP, so that details can be arranged.
  • To be clear on that final point – in your RSVP, please indicate if you are interested in just the tour, or the tour + lunch

I hope you can join us!

This event kicks off volunteer appreciation in advance of National Volunteer Week, April 14 – 20, with more details about various planned events in April to come.

Outings like these are organized in gratitude for all you do as volunteers for the AGO, and we certainly couldn’t be thriving without all of you, what you do and engaging with our visitors. Thank you!

Warm Regards,

Barbara Glaser, Volunteer President

(& Holly Procktor, Coordinator, Volunteers)

Construction Notice: Closure of Jackman Hall Staff & Volunteer Entrance, beginning Monday March 18

The Jackman Hall staff & volunteer entrance will be CLOSED beginning March 18

The Gallery is beginning to see building adjustments as we prepare for the beginnings of construction for the Dani Reiss Modern & Contemporary Tower. Here on the volunteer blog, we’ll keep you updated with construction notices of particular interest/impact to volunteers:

Beginning Monday March 18:

  • The McCaul street/ Jackman Hall staff & volunteer entrance is CLOSED. All staff and volunteers should use Dundas Street (MAIN ENTRANCE).
  • The Annex (old cafe space) is also CLOSED

Beginning Wednesday March 20:

  • The South Entrance will be set up with additional casual seating
  • Jackman Hall will host its last public event, and remain closed until late 2026

It’s all happening! As always construction notices/ timelines are posted to the best of our ability. We’ll continue to keep you informed of any additional impacts/ changes on the volunteer blog. Thank you for your support and patience – volunteer resources.

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone,

Wednesday evening’s public talk featuring Bill T. Jones was a memorable highlight. The room was packed and he was incredibly generous and engaging, as was curator Georgiana Uhlyarik. Next week is the final week to see the Keith Haring exhibition – if you’re waiting till the last moment to view the works, now is the time.

I hope everyone who is taking vacation during March Break has a restful holiday. I know many of you will be busy at the AGO coordinating March Break activities for families and kids – everything from play to artmaking to sing-alongs, it will be a lot of fun for our public. Thank you to everyone who is helping to create these special experiences for kids visiting the AGO.

Take care,
