Posts filed under “Uncategorized”

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone, Summer weather has arrived early with the heat and thunderstorms. Torrential downpours don’t usually happen so soon in the summer (yes, global climate change is creating more extreme weather events). I bring this up because I want to thank our staff who have been helping react to leaks in Zacks. Our conservators, our […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone, Today and over the weekend we welcome AGO Members to the Moments in Modernism exhibition, which is beautifully installed on the 4th floor. Big thanks to co-curator Debbie Johnsen, Project Manager Hillary Taylor and those involved with the installation. Thank you also to AJ Wilson and the Comms team for a successful and well attended […]

Volunteers invited: The Art of Parliament: An Evening Wine & Cheese Experience

Hello volunteers! Our weekend Gallery Guide, Aisling Joe, also works at the legislature (what a great job!). Aisling has passed along some information about an upcoming wine & cheese-paired tour in Parliament, read on below! This post is also shared on the AGO Volunteers Facebook Group. Volunteer President Barbara Glaser will be going, so you […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone, This week was particularly buzzy in the galleries as we welcomed many school groups at the end of the school year, as well as lots of visitors who came to see Miles Greenberg’s performance on Wednesday. Soon we will have AGO summer campers onsite, which is exciting. In the last few weeks, we […]

Possible TTC Strike

Hello volunteers, As you may be aware, the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is currently in labour negotiations and workers could strike as early as 12:01 a.m. on Friday, June 7, 2024.  As a TTC strike will impact all of us who use the transit system and will result in an increase in traffic. I know as volunteers you […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone, I am very much looking forward to next week’s performance by Miles Greenberg It will unfold over several hours on Wednesday June 5, (12-9pm) and if you are here on Wednesday, I encourage you to take a few moments to head to Walker Court and take it in. The Globe & Mail featured […]

Volunteer Endowment Trust 2024 voting results revealed …

Volunteers, I’m thrilled to share this post from Barbara Glaser, your Volunteer President. Read on to find out which project the volunteers voted to support with this year’s funds – Holly Dear fellow Volunteers, Every year I look forward to the Volunteer Endowment Trust (VET) process and the collaboration with fellow Volunteers, leadership and what […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone, Many of you have observed activity on the east side of the AGO. The Dani Reiss Modern & Contemporary Gallery has achieved City approvals and contracts have been confirmed with EllisDon, the construction company responsible for building the expansion. I took a photo earlier this week – you can see they are starting […]