Posts by Penny Williams
Help, Please! Any Memories of Flora Agnew?
Did you know long-time AGO volunteer Flora Agnew? Do you have any memories or stories to share? If so, please email us at [email protected]. We want to write a post in tribute to her extraordinary record of 50-plus years of volunteer service to the AGO — an idea suggested to us by Barbara Engle, a […]
Volunteers Connect — through new team-members’ eyes
AGO volunteers have a great history of reaching out to share experiences with other volunteers – and of taking the lead in creating organizations to facilitate the connection. One example: VCAM (Volunteer Committees of Art Museums), a North America-wide network that meets every three years, which was founded right here in 1952. Another example: Volunteers […]
Now in library: catalogue for “Florence at the Dawn of the Renaissance”
“It’s a beautiful book,” says Library volunteer Susan Kerr, carefully positioning the newest addition to their collection of Current and Upcoming Exhibition resources. She is talking about Florence at the Dawn of the Renaissance, the 426-page catalogue for the exhibition that will open at the AGO on March 16, 2013. The book is scholarly as […]
Frida & Diego Discussions
Gallery Guides are trying something new, to help our visitors enjoy the Frida & Diego exhibition to the fullest – not specialized tours, but stay-in-one-spot discussions. Interested visitors come to the 5th room of the exhibition (at 2 or 3 p.m. each weekday or 11 a.m. on weekends), where a Gallery Guide leads the group […]
The Benefits of VCAM
More connections, shared ideas and fresh energy: three big benefits of the VCAM conference, which Info Guide (and Volunteer Executive member) Michelle Abrams brought back to the AGO with her. Some quick background! VCAM stands for Volunteer Committees of Art Museums. It was founded right here in 1952 by some AGO volunteers who wanted to […]
Frida & Diego — a big success
We’ve all guessed it, and we’re right: the Frida & Diego exhibition is off to a flying start. Alicia Vandermeer (Director, Visitor Experience) sat down last Thursday for a quick latte in the Espresso Bar and shared attendance results in three key areas: members, paid attendance, and school groups. In all cases, she is measuring […]
Follow-Up for the VSP Listening Sessions
On Monday, November 12, the two Listening Sessions for the draft Volunteer Strategic Plan (VSP) took place – and resulted in a lot of good feedback, which is just what the VSP team was looking for. Volunteers who responded to the open invitation and registered for a Session received the draft document in advance, and […]
Sybil’s Socks Say…. TWEET!!
Here’s how it happened. On Friday, October 19, AGO Recuitment Volunteer Sybil Wilkinson bought herself a pair of the amazing Frida Kahlo socks ($19.50) available in Shop AGO. On Saturday, October 20, she wore them to another of her volunteer commitments, a reading at the International Festival of Authors down at Harbourfront Centre. And by […]
Floor Burger back on the floor
“It’s a really big burger,” says AGO Contemporary and Inuit conservator Sherry Phillips with a grin. She’s explaining the delighted laughter of visitors who see her opposite the Henry Moore Sculpture Centre, busy restoring Claes Oldenburg’s Floor Burger. Sheer size is partly the reason the work is being done there, instead of upstairs in the […]
How Sabrina Designed our Blog
Meet our blog designer, Sabrina Scott, who says: “I was very excited to work on this site, because it is meant to be very interactive and fluid, not set in stone.” She has lots of sites to compare ours with, as well as AGO experience. Now doing her Masters in Environmental Studies at York University, Sabrina […]