Posts by Penny Williams
Snake Ceiling!
You’ve heard of sneak previews? Well, the AGO has invented the snake preview – which is now winding its way around the 60 ft x 20 ft ceiling of the Fleck Gallery, at the top of the Scissor Stairs. Called (logically enough) “Snake Ceiling,” the installation consists of overlapping backpacks attached to a plywood snake form […]
April talks: Print and Drawing Study Centre
Once again in April, the AGO’s Marvin Gelber Print and Drawing Study Centre (“P&D”) offers four more presentations in their two regular series: Striking Impressions, and Close Encounters. Striking Impressions – Friday talks by volunteers 11 a.m. – noon; drop in; no charge April 12, Mystical Roses: Maidens and Madonnas of the Renaissance, presenter P&D […]
Print & Drawing Centre Welcomes Young Visitors
On Friday, March 15, the Marvin Gelber Print & Drawing Study Centre (“P&D”) added five more happy visitors to its total: the youth photography class from a local community arts engagement organization called Jamii. “Milijana Mladjan and I gave them the VIP treatment, and they were really tuned in,” says P&D volunteer Michaela Novotna, who worked […]
Striking Impressions: P&D free talks, March 8 & 22
Time to mark your calendar for this month’s two Friday-morning presentations in the Marvin Gelber Print and Drawing Study Centre (“P&D”). The talks, called Striking Impressions, are free of charge and open to AGO visitors and volunteers as well. “It’s a labour of love, not part of our P&D placement description,” explains Edith Layne, who […]
Our VSP: official, and ready to roll
The AGO has now accepted our new Volunteer Strategic Plan (VSP). It already had the unanimous support of the Volunteer Executive and AGO senior staff. The 5 objectives and related strategies of the VSP all have a single purpose. It is to make our presence more satisfying for us as volunteers and more valuable to […]
The Hot Young Artists of Merge
Want to discover “the newest crop of hot young artists”? It’s easy. Visit Merge, opening Thursday March 7 at our Art Rental + Sales Gallery. See? You’re promised that discovery, right there on the invitation. “This exhibition is a yearly event,” explains Elizabeth Petrova, the AR+SG Coordinator. “The title describes our focus. These are emerging […]
Outside Our Own Front Door
We’ve all done it. We search for something all over the place – and then discover it’s been right under our nose all along. This is pretty well the story of the AGO’s revised logo, according to Steve Rayment (Director, Marketing, Design & Publicity), who presented the winning choice at the February 21 Town Hall meeting […]
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Literally! Industrial Cascade was installed on the east end of the Galleria Italia on Thursday, February 7 – and was dismantled and gone again by Friday afternoon. The piece had such a brief life because it had been commissioned for that evening’s First Thursday. Visitors to the event saw the finished version, but Thursday daytime […]
I See iPads!
You’ve probably noticed some Gallery Guides are going about their work with an iPad tucked under one arm. The AGO is in the early, but already rewarding, stages of a project that will encourage and train GGs to use this technology as an additional resource. “It’s so cool,” says Jessica Duarte, who is both the […]
Frida & Diego: Ofrenda Messages
The wonderful ofrenda at the exit to Frida & Diego, built for us by an artist from Oaxaca, has really engaged our visitors. They are invited to leave little tributes, and they are responding with great warmth and emotion. If you haven’t dropped by recently, here’s how the shrine looks now — the original, artist-created adornments are almost buried […]