Posts by HollyProcktor

Dispatches from the AGO: our Volunteer Experience Managers share their Spring update

Hello volunteers, Did you know? Our information guide cooridnators- the Visitor Experience Management team – share weekly updates with the IG team. We’re reposting here (with their permission), so all volunteers can enjoy their weekly updates. More news from home (our shared Gallery home!) helps keep us connected. Over to the team, Hi everybody! This […]

Volunteers Living Alone

Some of you have reached out with concern for more senior members of our community who are living alone, and in particular without email. I know many of you miss your friends and shift-mates. If you’re someone looking to reach out & wanting to check in more personally with a a fellow volunteer but need […]

COVID-19 volunteer opportunities via Volunteer Toronto

Hello Volunteers! Our colleagues at Volunteer Toronto have done a great job of changing pace and re-focusing efforts on supporting COVID-19 calls to action. Find out how you can help Toronto’s most vulnerable residents and do so more (safely) by joining our Volunteer Response Team. The strength of our city—and our country—is in our capacity […]

Dispatches from the AGO: Art Favourites with Bojana Stancic

Hello Volunteers, Reposting (with permission) some links shared by our AGO colleagues. I don’t know about you, but this helps me miss them, less! Bojana is our Assistant Curator , Live Projects and Peformance. One of our coolest colleagues, she’s known for being in-the-know before anyone else is! Bojana curated First Thursdays, and many of […]

Message Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone, Yup, this is really real. I keep on thinking that somehow this is just a bad dream but no… this is real. LT (Leadership Team) is working hard to attempt to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the operations of the AGO. I am in constant communication with all LT members and Board […]

Message from Stephan Jost, Director and CEO – please read and share

Good morning all, Keeping you in the loop, Holly Hello everyone, During the last couple of weeks we have seen the spread of the COVID-19 virus globally at an extraordinary speed. I think few of us predicted the impact this would have on our families, our community and the AGO.  I have to say the […]

Tuesday March 17 Update

Hello Volunteers! Long time, no see. We miss you! It’s hard to know what to write in unprecedented times like these; a couple of updates regarding where things stand: Currently the AGO is closed to the public (and all non-essential staff) to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). At this time, we remain […]

Weekly Message from our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, Greetings from The European Fine Art Fair (TEFAF) in Maastricht, one of the world’s premier fairs for fine art. Attending the fair is an important opportunity to engage with dealers and collectors as well as to stay connected with the global art market. From the Netherlands, I will be travelling directly to Australia […]