Posts by HollyProcktor

Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, Next week, we re-open! I’m very excited and grateful for the work that the Re-opening Task Force has done to prepare us to welcome back our public. I am confident we have created a safe, warm and welcoming environment so that our visitors will have the best experience possible when we open our […]

Volunteering Research Study at University of Toronto (call for participants)

Hello Volunteers, Sharing this post from my colleague through Volunteer Toronto and the Toronto Association of Volunteer Administrators, Ambrose Fan. – Holly I’m currently looking for participants for my new research study at U of T. We’d like to speak with people who volunteer to meet strong needs. For example, people who: – Volunteer as […]

Volunteer Engagement in the time of Co-vid 19

Thank you to those who filled out our Engagement Survey to let us know how you’d like to stay connected while we are all at home. Here’s what we learned: Many of you are already connecting virtually with your shiftmates through weekly zoom calls – that’s great! We’re so happy you took the initiative to […]

Continuing Dispatches from the AGO: Volunteer Experience Managers’ Update

Hello everybody! This week we are moving forward by focussing on more artists of colour in the newsletter to more accurately reflect and celebrate the diversity that exists in our city and to give more of a platform to people of colour. Please read on! Sandra Brewster We have all seen Sandra Brewster’s mural Untitled (Blur) that […]

Message from our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, I have heard from many of you this week regarding the AGO’s statement on anti-Black racism and the work we need to do to be a more diverse and inclusive museum. I acknowledge there is much to do. I continue to listen and consider action we must take to remove systemic racism. This […]

Message from our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost – Heidi Reitmaier

Hello everyone, As we continue to stay focused on our audience, manage through this pandemic and deliver on our financials, I have made the difficult decision to restructure the LT Team and make changes to the role of Deputy Director & Chief of Education and Programs. This position is currently held by Heidi Reitmaier who […]

How to Talk about Anti-Black Racism, with AGO’s Dr. Audrey Hudson

Wednesday June 10 1:00pm – 2:00pm Via Zoom (register, here) Join Dr. Audrey Hudson for a round table discussion on how to talk about anti-Black racism, using art in the AGO Collection as a guide. Broaching the subject of anti-Black racism can be challenging, but it is vitally important as we try to dismantle the […]

AGO from home reminders

Hello Volunteers! As our time apart continues, I hope you’ve all been checking the AGO website for all the information and links to the various talks that the Gallery is offering now that our content has shifted online. New talks, tours and links are added daily. So bookmark the site and check back often! Also […]

AGO statement – Black Lives Matter

Volunteers, if you’ve been following social media, you know the AGO posted a James Baldwin quote on Instagram and the Gallery homepage, (June 1) in solidarity with those who were protesting anti-black racism around the world. Accompanying a black square image, the quote read: “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can […]