Posts by HollyProcktor

Dispatches from the AGO: Visitor Experience Team Managers’ Update

Hello everybody! It is hard to believe that it is already August and the days are starting to get shorter! This email was delayed as I was off on vacation. While I was hoping for some travels into the wilds of the great Canadian North – akin to Tom Thomson’s Morning Cloud, alas my last minute planning resulted to an […]

Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, I watch the COVID-19 numbers for Ontario and Canada daily. It’s clear that together we have made remarkable progress. Simultaneously, as much as I want to celebrate our success, I also see the deep economic impact the pandemic is having on businesses, families and individuals in Toronto. Of course I hope for a […]

You’re Invited: AGO Volunteers Connector Series Meeting #4: What We’re Reading

Following in the footsteps of last week’s informal volunteer sharing session, in this week’s AGO Volunteers Connector series, Meeting #4 Wednesday July 29, from 5-6pm, we’re sharing our favourite books/readings. Which author has been keeping you company in this time? What kinds of articles do you find yourself turning to most? New voices? Old favourites? […]

Update: Vote to support a Gallery Project via the Volunteer Endowment Trust Funds 2020-2021

Hello Volunteers, You’ll recall earlier this year (March 2020), the Volunteer Council conducted an online vote, allowing volunteers to choose a project to support with our Volunteer Endowment Trust funds (more details below). The Gallery’s closure due to co-vid 19 interrupted our vote. The pandemic has also altered the Gallery’s timelines, so we’ve updated our […]

Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, This week at Town Hall I spoke about the work we have been doing and how it all relates to our vision statement for AGO 2028 and values: The Vision Statement at first glance seems pretty straightforward: The AGO will lead global conversations from Toronto through extraordinary collections, exhibitions and programs, and by […]

Volunteer Experience Managers’ Biweekly Update

Hello everybody! How are you all doing on this steamy hot weekend? I know many of you are well traveled and we would love to hear how you are spending your summer!  Are you becoming a tourist in your own city? Working from the cottage? Discovering a different part of the province? Help us plan our […]

Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone, We have had a tremendous response to our offer to front-line workers. Yesterday and today there were long queues on the website to sign up and receive a free AGO Pass. This is a way to thank and acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of healthcare workers, grocery store clerks, transit workers and others who […]