Posts by HollyProcktor

Volunteers vote to support the Montgomery Collection: VET support 2020

Thank you to everyone who cast their vote to support a project through the Volunteer Endowment Trust. The results are in! 85 votes were cast, and we’re thrilled to share that AGO volunteers chose to fund ongoing research and exhibition support for The Montgomery Collection of Caribbean Photographs The Montgomery Collection is an incredible project, […]

Knowledge Hub – University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies offers free learning resources

Thank you to Prints & Drawings volunteers Susan Davidson, who sent along this recommendation for free learning resources, (click here) recently launched by the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. We like the looks of The University Lecture Series (offered on Demand), in particular: Toronto Through the Lens of Public Sculpture and Art & […]

Dispatches from the AGO: Visitor Experience Managers’ Team Update

Hello everybody! Do you feel it? The crisp cool mornings and evenings of a slowly encroaching late summer dare I say early Fall?!? For many this is a long awaited time of cooler temperatures, sharpened pencils and the smell of autumnal leaves. For others (such as myself) the school anxiety and the loss of the […]

Sharing Mindfulness

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Mindfulness workshop last week, as part of the AGO Volunteers Connector series, skillfully lead by Volunteer Council Member Barbara Glaser, and Gallery Guide (and expert facilitator!) Anne Hart. They’ve put together a resource list we’re sharing here (see also the Full list emailed earlier last week) and […]

Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Dear Everyone, I think that is safe to say that the past five and a half months have been nothing like any of us have ever experienced. It has been a time of tremendous uncertainty. There are lots of unknowns except for one thing – the pandemic is not yet over.  Since March, most of […]

Weekly Message from our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, We’re ending this week on a glorious summer day. I hope everyone is making the most of summer. Last week, my family and I went on a quintessential Canadian road trip to Ottawa and then Quebec City. We visited the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa (and saw former staff member and current […]

Join us for our next Volunteer Connector call: Mindfulness, with AGO Volunteers Barbara Glaser & Anne Hart – Wednesday August 19, 5 -6pm

Hello Volunteers, We’re thrilled to be co-leading this Volunteer Connector Zoom call, focused on Mindfulness. We will start with discussion, a short meditation and a creative mindfulness exercise! As part of the creative exercise, if you’d like to participate, please bring with you to our call: A sketchbook, or 2 large pieces of paper, a […]

Reminder: Volunteer Connectors Series featuring Stephan – this Wednesday, August 12 at 5pm

On Wednesday, August 12th at 5pm there will be a an exclusive volunteer-led talk with our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost! To join this week’s Volunteer Connector zoom call, simply click on this link: at 5pm on Wednesday, August 12th (you cannot register in advance – just click on the link to join.) If you can’t connect directly by clicking on this link, […]

Reminder to Vote: Volunteer Endowment Trust (ends August 14) *updated post

Hello Volunteers, You’ll recall earlier this year (March 2020), the Volunteer Council conducted an online vote, allowing volunteers to choose a project to support with our Volunteer Endowment Trust funds (more details below). The Gallery’s closure due to co-vid 19 interrupted our vote. The pandemic has also altered the Gallery’s timelines, so we’ve updated our […]