Posts by HollyProcktor

AGOinsider spotlight: African-American photographer Ming Smith creates stylistically unique documents of Black life

Groundbreaking African-American photographer Ming Smith canonizes Black culture with an abstract flair. Recently acquired by the AGO, seven stunning prints by Smith chronicle a diverse array of moments, including a romantic boardwalk stroll and an experimental jazz show. All are part of the powerful new photography exhibition, Documents, 1960s – 1970s.            Born in Detroit, Michigan, […]

Visitor Experience Updates: New at the Gallery

Hello everybody! As you now know, the Gallery is currently closed as part of the 28 day lockdown for Toronto and surrounding areas. This means that Christine, Trish and myself (Nicole) are back to working from home, as we prepare for the gallery’s re-opening with Studio 54: Night Magic. While the Gallery is closed, we […]

Exhibitions’ Past: Do you remember, “In Your Face”

“In Your Face” was a People’s Portrait Project (2006), an exhibition of portraits collected from the general public to celebrate the individuality and diversity of Canada. As a volunteer, Shelagh Barrington remembers spending hours working with staff and other volunteers gluing these incredibly varied 4×6 inch portraits onto 4×8 foot panels in preparation for mounting on […]

Volunteer Endowment Trust talk: Julie Crooks on the Montgomery Collection – view below

Hello Volunteers, For those of you that missed this past week’s exclusive volunteer talk with Dr. Julie Crooks, you can watch at your leisure, by clicking on this link: When prompted for a passcode, please enter: 9@^9Hd$t To read a great article with Julie about the Gallery’s new Department of Arts of Global Africa […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Dear Everyone, Due to a rising number of COVID-19 infections, this afternoon Premier Ford announced that the City of Toronto and the region of Peel will face further restrictions as of 12:01 a.m. Monday, November 23.  This means that the AGO will be open this weekend and close to the public as of Monday, November […]

Weekly Update from Our Director & CEO

Hello Everyone, IMPORTANT: Later this afternoon, the Premier will be making an announcement regarding COVID-19. We don’t have any advance notice about what this might mean for us but it’s possible there will be increased restrictions or a shut-down. Please stay tuned – I will be sending another message out by day’s end. It will […]

You’re Invited- Exclusive talk for AGO Volunteers: Celebrating your support of The Montgomery Collection – Wednesday November 18 at 5:30pm (via Zoom)

Dear Volunteers, Please join us for this exclusive talk – organized especially for AGO volunteers – with thanks and in recognition of this year’s Volunteer Endowment Trust donation to support the ongoing research and support of The Montgomery Collection of Caribbean Photographs. Dr. Julie Crooks will share all the work she has done this far […]

Visitor Experience Updates: New at the Gallery

Hello everybody! Those were a glorious string of November days that we experienced last week – I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy them! Perhaps they were a gift to help us store some warmth and sun for the winter days ahead! I made the most of it by sitting on a bed of golden leaves […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, I am very confident in the safety of our building and the protocols in place to keep our employees and public healthy. Key to our success so far is compliance with measures such as social distancing, hand washing and wearing masks. Please WEAR YOUR MASKS. It’s critical always – and especially now as […]

Complicating the Narrative

The AGO’s new Arts of Global Africa and the Diaspora Department launches with a bold acquisition. The global footprint of Africa is vast. Through centuries of migration, people of African descent have populated every inch of the globe, building a wealth of diverse cultures. This mosaic is made up of distinct regional identities that coalesce, […]