Posts by HollyProcktor

AGO X RBC Emerging Artists Exchange

Exciting news! The AGO is launching a paid mentorship program enabling three emerging artists to pursue research, over a six-week period, into museum practices, audience engagement, or the AGO Collection. With the support of mentors from across the gallery, each selected artist will further their work with the aim of presenting their findings to the […]

Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Dear Everyone, I know we are all feeling the difficulty of the continued COVID-19 restrictions, but there is reason to be hopeful. The vaccination rollout is underway, and last night the Province announced that anyone 40 and above may now get the AstraZeneca vaccine. I have my appointment booked, and encourage you to do the […]

Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, Today, March 31, marks the end of our fiscal year. I am pleased to report that we have achieved a slightly better than balanced budget in this exceptionally challenging year.  We couldn’t have done it without you and the significant personal sacrifices you made. The combination of your actions, private philanthropy and government […]

Artist Spotlight: Up close with a three-dimensional being

Revisit the haunting beauty of Kenyan-American artist Wangechi Mutu’s This You Call Civilization?, a collage acquired by the AGO in 2009 Kenyan-American Wangechi Mutu is a globally recognized contemporary artist. Widely known for her collage-based works on Mylar and large-scale installations, Mutu also works across other media, including painting, drawing, sculpture and video. Born in […]

Reminder: Join our Volunteer Connector call – Wednesday April 7 at 5pm

Save-the-date! Join our next Volunteer Connector Call: Anti-Racism 101 – Moving from “Not Racist” to “Anti-Racist” Join us: Wednesday April 7, 5-6pm (You cannot register for this call in advance, simply click on link on Wednesday April 7 at 5pm to join) Join Zoom Meeting: You should be able to join automatically by clicking […]

Art in the Spotlight: Tau Lewis

This week’s Art in the Spotlight focuses on Toronto born, self-taught artist Tau Lewis Join artist Tau Lewis in conversation with Hammer Museum curator Erin Christovale about her work. Join Tuesday March 30 at 4pm, via Zoom (register, here) Tau Lewis employs arduous methods such as hand sewing, carving, and assemblage to build intricate sculptural […]

Art in the Spotlight: Sandra Brewster and Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

We’re highlighting this week, this wonderful Art in the Spotlight talk that recently made it’s way to the AGO’s Youtube channel (for those of you that can’t watch Zoom talks in real time, they all eventually make their way here!) We really enjoyed this conversation between three powerhouse women! Watch, here. Join artist Sandra Brewster […]

Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, I am proud of all that we have all done here at the AGO to keep everyone as safe as possible during COVID. When I arrived here – almost five years ago – I spoke about how it is vital to balance our work life and our personal life. I want to again […]

A Message About AGO’s Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Learning Plan

Hello Everyone, We wanted to update you on the D&I Learning Plan. Since our last virtual session in February, we have been busy working on developing more comprehensive learning offerings for employees, volunteers and Board members. The AGO has recently become an Employer Partner with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion. Through this partnership we […]

You’re Invited: Diversity & Inclusion Learning Session #2: Anti-Racism 101 – Moving From “Not Racist” to “Anti-Racist”

Hello Volunteers, Thank you all so much for your continued enthusiasm and commitment to our Diversity & Inclusion learning sessions! We hope you’ll continue to join us for brave and bold discussion in our accompanying Volunteer Connector Call Discussion Group (see end of post!) Thank you for your feedback on additional sessions and improvements. We’ll […]