Posts by HollyProcktor

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, I have been in New York City for the past couple of days with the Contemporary Circle, a group of AGO supporters with a deep interest in global contemporary art. Xiaoyu Weng, our new Carol and Morton Rapp Curator, Modern and Contemporary Art, has provided a wonderful program of art viewing and experiences. We […]

Gallery Guide program changes hands – introducing Paola Poletto

Hello Volunteers: re-sharing this note from Paola Poletto (and an additional goodbye note from outgoing GG coordinator, Melissa Smith), re: the recent restructuring of staff support for the Gallery Guide program. Though these communications were shared weeks ago to Gallery Guides directly, we continue to hear from guides who missed the message, so I have […]

Booking Volunteer Ticket(s) to Visit Picasso

Volunteers – thank you for your patience as we slowly got our systems back online (and caught up with orders!) after the recent cyberattack. We are so happy we are now able to process your bookings – enjoy the show! Please remember: proof of vaccination and ID required for all visitors 12 and up to enter […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone, I would like to begin my message this week by thanking those who participated on – or contributed to – the COVID 19 Task Force. I truly believe the efforts undertaken by this team saved lives. All of the health and safety protocols that have been in place since the beginning of COVID […]

A Message from Diversity & Inclusion: Treaties Recognition Week, November 1-7

Dear Colleagues, The first week of November marks Treaties Recognition Week in Ontario. This week aims to increase understanding of the history of treaties, and awareness about treaty rights and treaty relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in Ontario. The Art Gallery of Ontario operates on land that is Michi Saagig Nishnawbe territory. Toronto is […]

New Installation: Shapes of Land and Mind

A new installation of contemporary works explores how landscapes, from coastal shores to skyscrapers, inspire and inform various artistic visions. A new installation of contemporary works from the AGO Collection (on Level 4, gallery 405) explores the concept of landscape by highlighting the various forms it takes in painting and sculpture. Adelina Vlas, AGO Associate […]

Important Update from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, By now, staff will have received the message from Chris Steele that the AGO experienced a cyberattack last week. Outlook is back up and running along with other core services. It will still take a little bit longer for remote access services to be fully resolved as the investigation into what caused the […]

Talks: Black Portraitures Keynote with M. Nourbese Philip

Wednesday October 13 at 1pm, via ZOOM Join us for a very special keynote address by M. NourbeSe Philip to open Black Portraiture[s]: Toronto, Absente/d Presence, a three-day conference exploring Blackness as absent/ed presence in art, art history,  performance, archives, museums, cultural production and technology. Following the keynote, M. NourbeSe Philip will be in conversation with DJ […]

Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, This was an extraordinary week at the AGO. After years of research, conservation, scholarship, loan negotiations and meticulous planning, we opened Picasso: Painting the Blue Period. Congratulations to Kenneth Brummel, Sandra Webster-Cook and EVERYONE involved with installing, securing and promoting the exhibition. Since Wednesday, we have seen line-ups of Members waiting patiently to […]