Posts by HollyProcktor

A Message from the Director & CEO, Stephan Jost: Re-Opening Update

Dear Everyone, I’m sure you have seen the news, but I am delighted to share that the Ontario government announced that as of January 31st, in the absence of concerning trends in public health and health care indicators, Ontario will follow a phased approach to public health measures with 21 days between each step. This […]

A Message from Director & CEO Stephan Jost: AGO Vision Update

Dear Colleagues, As you know, the AGO’s 10-year vision is to lead global conversations from Toronto through extraordinary collections, exhibitions and programs and by reflecting the people who live here. There are four key elements to the vision, with three elements already in process: Collection – we will strengthen our Collection through donations and increased […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, Earlier this week at a Leadership Team meeting, we were talking about resilience. We have come through a lot together in the past couple of years and it is clear we have a ways to go. I know we are all trying to cope and move forward. Remember, the worst days of Omicron […]

In Case You Missed It (ICYMI): Piecing Together The Fragments

Suchitra Mattai and Wendy Nanan discuss the importance of belonging and giving voice to Indo-Caribbean histories in their respective practices and works featured in Fragments of Epic Memory Multidisciplinary artists Suchitra Mattai and Wendy Nanan may share similar regional origins (Muttai hailing from Guyana and Nanan from Trinidad, both islands in the Caribbean), but they […]

Important Update from the Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone, Earlier today, the Premier announced new restrictions in an effort to slow the spread of Omicron. What this means for us is that the AGO will be shutting down again for a period of time. While this is not necessarily the way we all envisioned the beginning of 2022, my greatest priority is […]

Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Yesterday we heard that schoolchildren will not return to in-class schooling at least until next Wednesday, January 5th. I understand that this may have an impact on many of you. I encourage those who can work from home to continue to do so. I am asking all managers to show as much flexibility as possible […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, When I look back at this past year, I marvel at what we accomplished together. It is truly extraordinary and happened in the midst of a global pandemic. I am immensely proud of each of you for the ways you contributed to our success in 2021. We work at a museum because we are […]

Weekly Update from our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, Yesterday I sent an email about reducing our capacity to 50%. I have great confidence in our team to adjust. People are still booking tickets at a fairly consistent level for the holiday period and we will accommodate them. Having said that, we are in a very fluid situation with COVID and there […]

COVID-19 Update from the Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Dear Everyone, Thanks to everyone’s efforts to follow health guidance and practices such as wearing masks and physical distancing, we are managing things very well at the AGO. We have a safe building and our protocols are working. We have followed the advice of public health professionals and provincial directives throughout the pandemic. As we […]

Extended Hours for Picasso: Painting the Blue Period

For those volunteers interested, the Gallery has announced Extended Hours Until 9 pm (for Picasso Only)Tuesday and Thursday Evening: December 28 and December 30The exhibition closes January 16, 2022. Also posting here, a reminder on the Procedure for Booking Volunteer Tickets. With less staff on site, and new contracting staff often taking shifts over the […]