Posts by HollyProcktor

Remembering Phil Lind

Hello Everyone, Many of you knew Phil Lind, a long-serving Trustee, from his decades of involvement at the AGO. Phil loved chatting to Curators and Protection Services Officers alike. He loved visiting to the AGO for board committee meetings, and was often in attendance at exhibition openings. He encountered many staff at such activities and […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, I continue to poke my head into Zacks to see Cassatt-McNicoll whenever I get a chance. It is truly a beautiful paintings show. Do take a moment to see it, if you haven’t already, before it closes in a couple of weeks. It is my sincere hope that every staff member visits our […]

Thanking our Volunteer Council

We also want to take this time to thank our outgoing Volunteer Council. Much of the usual work of the Council was impacted by the pandemic, and we thank this group for their support as we all adjusted to the challenges of that time. This Volunteer Council has years of volunteering experience between them, and […]

From Foyer: Indo-Caribbean herstory at the Gardiner Museum

In her mixed-media ceramics-based exhibition, Heidi McKenzie enshrines collective memory Some stories are told and re-told, yet still not widely known as they should be. In her solo exhibition at the Gardiner Museum, Heidi McKenzie aims to change that for Indo-Caribbean women, bringing centuries-old herstories into focus through a feminist lens. On view through August 30, McKenzie’s […]

AGO Library & Archives Annual Closure – August 21 to September 1

The AGO Library & Archives will undergo annual collections maintenance from Monday, August 21, to Friday, September 1. The Library & Archives will be closed to the public during this time, re-opening on Wednesday, September 6, at 1 pm.   What does this mean for AGO staff and volunteers?  Questions? 

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, As we head into the final weeks of August, many of you are preparing for upcoming fall exhibitions. Our Marketing team and Designers are working on shows featuring art by KAWS, Keith Haring, Arnold Newman, and others. I expect that the period of September through to the end of the year will be […]

Thanking Maya

We want to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the contributions of our outgoing Volunteer President, Maya Kotlarenko. Maya began volunteering at the AGO in 2008, as part of Transformation AGO. She’s been a Gallery Guide – sharing her passion, growing expertise and a true love of art – ever since. In 2019, she […]

From Foyer: the signs that define Toronto

In these summer months of tourist season, Foyer suggests some sightseeing, past and present Like any city, the look and feel of Toronto’s urban landscape has changed drastically over the years. In the haste of rapid development, important opportunities to document the cultural history of a city are often missed. Recently, ERA Architects in partnership […]

Let’s Go to the Ex! CNE Discounts for AGO volunteers

AGO employees and volunteers are invited to take advantage of discounted rates on the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) this summer from August 18 to September 4. The discount is only available online through the AGO’s corporate link. Click here for the discount.  Note: If you are using your home computer to order tickets, follow this link or use […]

Volunteer perspectives: the adapting role of Gallery Guides at the AGO

A first-person perspective submitted by Shelagh Barrington, Gallery Guide and National Docent Symposium (NDS) Director for Canada A July 19, 2023 meeting with Gallery Guides was arranged by Natalie Lam and Paola Poletto, who introduced new staff support Danah Abusido, Curatorial Associate, Artist in Residence program. Danah’s duties have expanded to include assisting with the […]