Posts by HollyProcktor

Weekly Message from our Director & CEO

Hello Everyone, I was very saddened to hear of the passing of Cecil Stein earlier this week. Cecil was a talented carpenter and the museum benefited greatly from his skills during his significant tenure of nearly 14 years. I am sure his loss is deeply felt by those who worked closest with him in Logistics […]

Donations for AGO Art Programs

Hi Everyone, Spring cleaning? Please donate your National Geographic and other travel, adventure, science, house and home magazines (no fashion magazines, please) in the blue donations bin (volunteer lounge – on the shelf above the area where you hang your coats). We greatly appreciate the paper material for our collage programs! -AGO Studio Programs Team […]

AGOinsider: Trans Am Apocalypse rolls into the AGO

Learn more about how AGO staff members moved a 3,300-pound 1980 V8 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am into the Gallery, then see AGO Conservator Sherry Phillips talk about her public conservation on the car. Also catch highlights of Francis Alÿs: A Story of Negotiation which is closing soon, read about AGO Interpretive Planner Gillian McIntyre in […]

Look:Forward – What’s Opening and Closing in the Galleries

Throughout the Look:Forward project we’ll be keeping you in the loop with regular updates so you know when galleries are closing and re-opening. Now Open: Walker Court. Stop by Walker Court this week to see the newly installed selection of contemporary Inuit artworks. These 22 distinctive works showcase a broad range of styles and materials, […]

Weekly Message from our Director and CEO

Hello Everyone, Back at the AGO this week, I am very pleased with the progress of Look:Forward. The installation in Eaton/Gelber/Elliott is strong – thank you to Kenneth Brummel and the exhibitions team for your thoughtful planning and attention to detail. The galleries are exquisite. They open to the public on Saturday. Things are also […]

Look: Forward – What’s Opening and Closing in the Galleries

Throughout the Look:Forward project we’ll be keeping you in the loop with regular updates so you know when galleries are closing and re-opening. This week, Inuit sculptures are being installed around Walker Court, which will remain open throughout. Recently Open: R. Samuel McLaughlin Gallery (201) and Joan & Jerry Lozinski Gallery (247) Opening Soon: Margaret […]

AGOinsider: Digging Deeper – Maia-Mari Sutnik and Memory Unearthed

We celebrate another inestimable woman from the AGO, as well as one of her most impactful exhibitions. This week we highlight Maia-Mari Sutnik, Curator Emeritus, former Curator, Special Photography Projects, spent nearly 50 years at the AGO until she retired in 2015. For more inspiring stories to celebrate International Women’s Month, read our past entries […]

AGO’s Paola Poletto Receives Canada Council Award

Congratulations to Paola Poletto, who has been awarded the John Hobday Professional Development and Renewal Award by the Canada Council for the Arts. This award in arts management is granted to talented arts managers in Canadian professional arts organizations for professional development or mentoring purposes. The $10,000 award will allow Paola to take part in […]

L’Oreal Discount for Staff and Volunteers

L’Oreal Canada invites AGO staff, volunteers and interns to its Spring 2017 Private Sale, which starts next Friday, March 24. Enjoy access to a broad variety of products from the most popular brands of the L’Oréal Group at warehouse sale prices. If you registered for the last sale, you will get your tickets directly by […]