Posts by HollyProcktor

Holiday Hours

It’s true we’re almost never closed! Please find our updated December hours, below: DECEMBER 24      10:30 AM – 4:00 PMDECEMBER 25       CLOSEDDECEMBER 26      10:30 AM – 4:00 PMDECEMBER 27      10:30 AM – 9:00 PMDECEMBER 28      10:30 AM – 5:00 PMDECEMBER 29      10:30 AM – 9:00 PMDECEMBER […]

Happy Holiday Season

Dear Volunteers,  On behalf of Volunteer Resources and staff working with volunteers across the building, we are writing to wish you a Happy and safe holiday season! It’s because of your generous support and all the volunteer work you do, that the Gallery is thriving; whether you’re greeting visitors, sharing your knowledge of art and […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone, We are entering the holiday season after an incredibly busy few months, and I know many of you will be spending time with family and loved ones. I hope your breaks are restful and restorative. To those who will be onsite welcoming our public during this busy period – thank you. It has […]

A Message from the Visitor Experience Team: AGO Everyone Washrooms Update

Across the AGO, we want spaces where everyone feels welcome – and that includes washrooms. Last fall, signage on select washrooms was changed to introduce Everyone Washrooms.   Since then, we have learned that making washrooms that are inclusive for everyone involves more than changing the signs on the door. Establishing Everyone Washrooms involves significant […]

Exhibition Schedule Updates

As we prepare for a new year, the Exhibitions team is happy to share an updated 2024 exhibition schedule.     Below is a summary of significant updates as of Friday, December 8, 2023: Sarindar Dhaliwal: When I grow up I want to be a namer of paint colours (Lind and Mulvihill Galleries) will be extended until July […]

Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone, The other day, Dr. Julie Crooks took me through the installation of Life Between Islands: Caribbean-British Art 1950s-Now. Julie and others worked closely with curators and colleagues from Tate Britain to achieve a celebratory exhibition of extraordinary quality and depth. There was a Curators’ Circle event on Wednesday and tonight is our public […]

An Open Letter from Stephan Jost, Director and CEO

Over the past week, there has been an intense discussion in the cultural community about freedom of political thought, artistic expression, and the importance of good governance. These are indeed very important issues, as together they shape our cultural narrative and our views of history. The AGO is also aware that there are several letters and […]

Announcing our next Volunteer President, Barbara Glaser

We are thrilled to announce our next Volunteer President, Barbara Glaser. Barbara comes to us from the Print & Drawings volunteer team, where she’s been ensuring a rich and memorable experience for visitors in close-looking opportunities in the Marvin Gelber Print & Drawing Study Centre, as part of the Open Door program. An AGO volunteer […]