COVID-19 Update – Message from the Director and CEO

Hello Everyone,

First, please take care of yourselves. Again, follow public health advice. In the coming 14 days we will see how COVID-19 is growing and if we have been able to flatten the curve. Our ability to collectively work together to flatten the curve is most important both to saving lives and saving our economy. 

A closed museum is tough. I deeply miss our public. I miss you – our staff and volunteers.

Of course, all of us know that being closed is hitting our bottom line hard. We are taking all sorts of steps to reduce costs, ranging from not washing windows to saving on our utility bills.

We all hear and read the news and know the employment situation is changing and not for the better.

Figuring out how we move forward is not simple as there are multiple paths. Last Friday, I sent a note out about Declared Emergency Leave for part-time employees. It is a provincial program that was announced earlier in the week that allows for organizations to place people on leave while paying benefits and preserving each person’s position. Yesterday, the Prime Minister announced a wage sharing program. At first glance, it would seem to allow organizations to receive 75% of a staff member’s salary paid for by the government if certain criteria are met up to the first $58,700 of salary. Yesterday and today, we have been attempting to get a hold of the details (the devil really is in the details) from the government but they are literally being written today. So we must wait till tomorrow for clarity.

These financial pressures will impact all of us. Leadership Team is truly attempting to understand the options and make the best choices possible. I am keenly aware that none of the options are good but surely some are better in the long run for all of us. 

As I mentioned in my last email, the Picasso exhibition will not happen this summer and we are working to reschedule it. The current plan is to keep Illusions and Arbus up for the summer and add the Haegue Yang exhibition. We hope to have I Am Here go ahead in the fall with Studio 54 opening in mid-December (I for one might be ready for some disco music sometime in the future). Again, all of this is subject to change. 

I know we are living in a period of great uncertainty. We all are feeling it. I am perhaps over sharing but I did want to update everyone. I promise to update you again as soon as I am able.

It is a period where we need to activate our networks to make sure we are simply in touch with another. Please reach out to your favourite person from work or someone you know who is alone. It is most important to me know how you are doing. Feel free to reach out to your LT member, manager, Union representative or zip me an email. 
