Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone, 

In recognition of her many years of outstanding service, recently retired conservator Sandra Webster-Cook has been given the honorary title of “Conservator Emeritus.” She joins a small number of other former staff who have been recognized with emeritus status for their contributions. Congratulations Sandra!

Last night’s ArtToronto Opening Night Preview showcased a broad range of great art from local, national and international dealers and raised more than $600,000 for the AGO. Congratulations to the Development Special Events team and Advancement staff, the volunteer committee (including AGO trustees Liza Mauer and Jen Lee Koss), and the curators who selected works for the AGO’s collection with proceeds from the event (see below). 

At the Managers’ Meeting yesterday we heard an update from People about the AGO’s Culture, Diversity and Inclusion strategy including survey results, recent front-of-house training and next steps. We have made strides in this area through our content, organizational structure changes and the launch of the Access Pass and we need to do more to make our museum open and reflective of our city’s population. D&I is a key driver and institutional priority.

You might notice a couple of PSOs wearing new prototype uniforms. We want to ensure our staff feel comfortable (and stylish!) in what they wear to work every day so we’re giving the uniforms a test run. Thank you Natasha Trent-Rennick and Roman Baran for being our models!

P.S. Tomorrow the museum will be full of amazing activities for AGO All Hours. You can learn more here: https://ago.ca/ago-all-hours-october26-2019.  This is a huge undertaking lead by Public Programming & Learning that includes literally all staff from across the AGO. I look forward to attending tomorrow.

This is a huge undertaking lead by Public Programming & Learning that includes literally all staff from across the AGO. I look forward to attending tomorrow. P.P.S Here is a quick pic of one of the works purchased at ArtToronto – by Rajni Perera, Untitled

Enjoy the weekend, Stephan