Prints & Drawings Talk for November: Rubens, Before and After

The second Friday of every month, one of P&D’s knowledgeable volunteers will give a talk that explores an area of the AGO’s P&D Collection.

Rape of the Sabines, PP Rubens, after Polidoro da Caravaggio, n.d.

Talk by: Jane Smith
Date: Friday, November 8
Time: 11 am (arrive at 10:30 to view works on display!)

In conjunction with the current Early Rubens exhibition, Jane Smith will talk about Rubens-related works on paper. A selection of old master prints and drawings will be on view, including works by Italian masters who influenced Rubens during his travels prior to his return to Antwerp, artists who worked in his studio (such as Frans Snyders and Anthony Van Dyck), and those he influenced in the following centuries (such as Johann Lindner and Jean Renoir).

*Please note: There is no Friday Morning P&D Talk in December*