Pest Control Reminder

In recent weeks the AGO has seen an increase in insects and rodent activity in the building. Facility Services and Conservation are currently reviewing all of our pest control measures, including how waste is stored and moves throughout the building.

We need everyone’s help to keep pests out of the Gallery. Here are some easy ways to help deter and control pests:

  • Keep snacks in sealed metal or hard plastic containers. Plastic bags are not sufficient.
  • Do not leave shared snacks and old coffee cups out overnight
  • Return dishes from the café immediately after use. Return them to the cafe.
  • Dispose of all food waste – coffee cups, muffin wrappers, and food scraps – in the large black topped containers on each floor, never in the garbage bin under your desk.
  • Use recycling containers in your personal workspace for paper only.
  • Throw rinsed out drink bottles and cans into the large black topped recycling containers.
  • Wash dishes in the Employee Lounge or at home – do not wash in washrooms as food and grease can cause plumbing issues.
  • Do not store clothing, gloves, scarves, and other items made of natural fibres in the building long term as they are food for moths.
  • If you see pests of any kind, please contact Facility Services. If possible, catch insects intact for identification purposes.

Other waste reminders: 

  • Please dispose of paper towels and other non-flushable items in washroom garbage cans. If flushed down toilets, they can cause a serious risk to the Collection due to flooding.

Here are some pest facts you should know:

  • Mice can pass through gaps as small as 3/8″. That is the thickness of your pen.
  • Infestation may be caused by insects, rodents or microorganisms.
  • Webbing clothes moths can be carried in on woollen clothing.

If you have any questions, please contact Facility Managers Michelle Noel, ext. 6245 or Warren Wilson, ext. 6466.