Get your Flu Shot at the AGO: Seasonal Flu Vaccination Clinic – Wednesday November 28. RSVP to Register.

The seasonal flu vaccination clinic for staff and volunteers will be held this month:
  • Wednesday, November 28
  • 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
  • Volunteer Centre
Important change for this year:
Due to health regulations, we are only permitted to schedule 3 people per 15 minute period.  This means that we will be less likely to accommodate people who have not registered or who have missed their appointment time. 
If you would like a flu vaccination, please email or call Corinna Ramdeo, Assistant, Health and Safety, at 416 979 6660, extension 797 or [email protected] with your time preference (email is preferred).  Time slots will be in fifteen minute intervals (accommodating up to 3 people in the 15 minute period) on a first-come-first-served basis.
On November 28, please come to the Volunteer Centre at the time you registered for.  You will be required to sign in and complete a consent form prior to having your vaccination.  After your vaccination, you will be asked to wait 10-15 minutes before leaving the lounge.
Who should NOT get the flu shot? Those who have:
  • An allergy to any component for the vaccine.
  • A serious allergy to eggs, egg products, or chicken protein. (A serious allergy means that a person develops hives, swelling of the mouth and throat, or trouble breathing after eating eggs.)
  • Had a previous severe reaction to vaccinations.
  • An active infection or fever.
  • A sensitivity to Thimerosal (a preservative in many vaccines and contact lens solutions), Formaldehyde, Neomycin (only in Vaxigrip) or Gentamicin (only in Influvac).
Refer to your physician prior to receiving the Flu shot if you:
  • Have a History of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
  • Have Oculo-Respiratory Syndrome
  • Have a changing neurological condition
  • Are on maintenance therapy of oral Theophylline (applicable only for Fluviral vaccine)
  • Have coagulation disorders or are on anticoagulant therapy.