Hello Volunteers,
How do we express our love for Paul? Paul Ayers, our beloved Coordinator of the Information Guide program, leaves us this week – for familiar pastures (the AGO Welcome Desk), and all I can say is thank goodness he isn’t going far. I have loved every minute of working with Paul – and I could easily gush about how much (I was told this week that I am wordy and verbose -somebody knows me well!)
I know that Paul has brought heart and soul to our program! He spends so much time in the volunteer lounge, we could have an honorary chair for him there (maybe not a bad idea?).
Paul has improved the experience of the information guides in ways too many to mention, but just a few: those weekly emails we all know and love (Paul knows everything about … everything(!); his wit; his personal touch (birthday cakes! cards! celebrations); and his commitment to ensuring you are supported, appreciated, and thanked for all that you do.
I’ve come to realize this week that many of you see us volunteer coordinators as a team; and we are, in so many ways – and in all the best ways! But we work alongside one another, in different departments. I work in the People Department, helping to guide the recruitment and recognition of volunteers; Paul works in Visitor Experience, Melissa Smith (another ace coordinator – let’s not get me started -) reports into the Public Programming & Learning team, etc. I share this so you understand that Paul didn’t work “for” me – and this restructuring wasn’t up to me; I’ll miss him in all the same ways you will, and i’m equally sad for his departure. That said, new ways of working are being embraced all across the Gallery.
A warm welcome to our new team of Visitor Experience Managers (also some familiar faces around here -and if you haven’t met them yet, you will soon). Nicole, Jonathan and Christine are fine folks with a rich experience of working the front lines, and working with volunteers. We have a crackerjack team, and I look forward to helping them fill Paul’s (big) shoes! – Cheers, Holly