Volunteer Special Lecture: Curator’s Talk with AGO’s Kitty Scott on Brian Jungen: Friendship Centre

Brian Jungen, Warrior 1, 2017. Nike Air Jordans, leather, 99.06 x 81.28 x 73.66 cm. Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan, New York. © Brian Jungen. Photo by Jason Wyche.

Brian Jungen, Warrior 1, 2017. Nike Air Jordans, leather, 99.06 x 81.28 x 73.66 cm. Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan, New York. © Brian Jungen. Photo by Jason Wyche.

All Volunteers are invited to attend a talk with Kitty Scott, Curator, Modern & Contemporary Art, on Brian Jungen: Friendship Centre

  • Monday June 3
  • 6:30pm – 8:30pm
  • Jackman Hall

This talk is given in thanks for the AGO volunteers’ financial support of the exhibition, through the Volunteer Endowment Trust.

Brian Jungen: Friendship Centre invites a new way of looking at the artist’s internationally acclaimed art practice, including the first-ever presentation of his archive that offers the viewer insight into his unique method of art production.

A selection of Jungen’s striking sculptures made of repurposed objects and materials will be exhibited alongside an epic new moving image work. An artist of mixed European and Indigenous heritage, Jungen explores a long history of cultural inequality, a concern for the environment and a profound commitment to Indigenous ways of knowing and making.

Kitty Scott will provide an overview of the exhibition, also allowing time for questions.

  • All volunteers are welcome; no need to register, just drop-in.