Weekly Update from our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

  • March Break attendance was impressive – more than double last year. Thank you to the Public Programming & Learning team for their thoughtful planning of March Break activities – in particular Jane Lott, Coordinator, Children & Family Programs, Tiana Roebuck, Program Assistant, Children & Family Programs and Paola Poletto, Manager, Studio & Group Learning – and to Protection Service Officers and Health & Safety staff for helping keep everyone, and the art, safe. I loved seeing Walker Court so active.
  • The Indigenous and Canadian Art Department is now fully staffed with the new addition of Renée van der Avoird, Assistant Curator, Canadian Art, who joined us this week. Renée will work closely with Georgiana Uhlyarik and Wanda Nanibush on the upcoming Look:Forward installation. As this picture below shows, renovation work has begun in the J.S. McLean Centre of Canadian Art!

  • Kenneth Brummel did an outstanding job on his talk to the Curators’ Circle members on Tuesday evening. It was a packed house with more than 400 coming to see the Mitchell/Riopelle exhibition. Be sure to take a moment to see the show – it is receiving very strong reviews.
  • We are nearing the end of our fiscal year, March 31, 2018, and are in a strong position. I will share the final numbers when they have all been crunched but things are looking good. This would not have been possible without everyone’s hard work and contributions. Thank you.

Enjoy the long weekend,
