Remembering William Withrow

It is with great sadness that the AGO community mourns the loss of William “Bill” Withrow, who passed away January 7, 2018. A beloved member of the AGO community, Bill was Director of the Art Gallery of Ontario from 1961 to 1991.

During his tenure, Bill led an extraordinary period of growth at the Gallery – both for the building and the Collection. Some of his many milestones include Stages I and II, the expansion that constructed the Sam and Ayala Zacks Pavilion, the Henry Moore Sculpture Centre and the Canadian Wing. In the early 1960s, working closely with the Women’s Committee, Bill was instrumental in acquiring American Abstract Expressionist works by artists such as Motherwell, Kline, Hofmann, Diebenkorn, and Rothko.

“Bill Withrow was director for more years than the total tenure of all following directors combined. He left an indelible mark on the AGO. We are grateful for the many years Bill spent with the AGO and our hearts go out to Bill’s family and the art community about this tremendous loss,” said Stephan Jost, the AGO’s Michael and Sonja Koerner Director, and CEO.

Bill’s memory will continue to live on at the AGO, both through his remarkable contributions and in the hearts and minds of the community who benefited so much from him.

Memorial information will be shared as soon as it becomes available.