Weekly Message from our Director and CEO

Hello Everyone,

  • Lisa Clements has been promoted to the position of Chief, Communications & Brand. She will be leading a team that includes Visitor Experience (Herman Lo), Membership & Database Marketing (Nympha Patel), Marketing & Design (Steve Rayment), Communications (Caitlin Coull), and Digital (Mark McKay). The goal of this move is to help the team work together more cohesively.
  • A reminder to refrain from sending emails on the weekend or after-hours unless they are truly urgent. Sometimes on Sunday nights I start to worry about the week ahead. The temptation is to check my emails. Don’t do it!
  • Each year we work on a plan of what we are trying to accomplish as a group. You will see the poster attached and below around the building, which includes strategic priorities for 2017/18. Take time to read it.
  • I have been enjoying watching the rock posters being installed in the main floor prints & drawings gallery. This evening I am going on a two-week vacation to visit family in Switzerland. On my way out the door, I will be thinking “rock ‘n roll”. Make sure you plan a vacation too!

See you in mid-August,

