Now Open: Leonard Gallery (117) The gallery features artwork from Europe made from the 1300s through the 1500s. Everything looks spectacular against a new coat of sumptuous purple paint. Check out a pic of the team lifting the monumental Tintoretto work.
Closed: Fudger Gallery (125) is under installation at the moment – with our favourites by Monet, Pissaro, Sisley, Degas and Renoir finding their new homes.
FP Wood Gallery (123) will be cleared of artwork on Tuesday, July 4th and will being space preparations shortly.
Gallery 141 and Fodor (140) will be closed and cleared of artwork and begin their transformation into a home for prints and drawings rotations – first up, Rock Posters! As this is a very high traffic area, we will make every attempt to maintain a pathway into P+D Centre, Washrooms, and Chalmers Elevator area during this process. Visitor Services will be adding additional signage to assist our patrons.
Installation of artwork in the new South Entrance is underway, so when our doors open to the park for the first time, visitors are greeted with art.
All dates are for internal use only and are subject to change.