GGs incorporate Canada 150 into Feature Tours

In honour of Canada’s 150th anniversary celebrations, the Tuesday Gallery Guides have devised a series of Feature Tours that touch on Canadian works from the past 150 years.    It’s a tour – with a twist.  One guide selects the route, then gets other guides to help take turns leading the discussion around each work – sort of a Relay 150.

A recent tour was coordinated by Charlene, and featured participation from Adrienne Pollack, Carolyn Roth, Helen Sommers, and Helen Casse.  It’s not only a fun way to present some of the gallery’s iconic works but also an opportunity to share the wide range of expertise the GGs bring to the gallery.  Be sure to check one out – Tuesdays at 2 pm, until the end of the summer.


Charlene discusses Paul Peel in the Canadian Salon – he won an award for this work!

Adrienne engages a visitor at Morriseau



Charlene introduces the Group of Seven


Helen at Riopelle

Helen Casse solicits interpretations of Riopelle


Carolyn invites comparison of early and late Harris


Charlene visits Kurelek


Helen Sommers investigates Colville