National Docent Symposium 2017 – Call for Breakout Session Presenters


Next year’s National Docent Symposium will take place in Montreal, October 12-15, 2017.  They are looking right now for presenters for their breakout sessions.  From the website:

Docents are looking forward to breakout sessions that provide creative, concrete ideas to implement at their institutions. Has your institution tried a new program or an interesting and exciting idea that you would like to share with fellow docents? We are looking forward to learning about these programs and ideas during our breakout sessions. The success of the symposium breakout sessions lies in your participation. Would you like to be a breakout session presenter? We are sending out this Call for Presentations and welcome your application by July 15, 2016.

Follow this link for more information and instructions on how to apply.  The AGO has sent some great teams in past years – who will be the next big hit?