Next All Staff and Volunteer Town Hall meeting: Wednesday May 11, 10:00am – 11:30am in Baillie Court

Andrew Hunter and Steve Martin (photo credit: Chisa Hughes)

Andrew Hunter and Steve Martin (photo credit: Chisa Hughes)

Don’t miss the next All Staff and Volunteer Town Hall, Wednesday, May 11th, 10-11:30 in Baillie Court.

Find out what’s new – the agenda will include:

  • Welcome by Stephan Jost
  • Strategic Plan Update – Alicia Vandermeer
  • Fiscal Update (tentative)
  • Lawren Harris exhibition – Andrew Hunter
  • Q&A

New to Town Halls? These are quarterly meetings held in Baillie Court about current gallery projects and happenings. A great way to get a timely update! They are offered on different times and different days throughout the year, so as to vary our audience. These are not mandatory meetings, but a fun way to come together and connect with colleagues. Join us if you can!

And a reminder:  volunteers are invited to arrive at 9:30am, for a short meet-and-greet with Stephan, prior to the meeting. See you there!