2015 Volunteer Engagement Survey Results

volunteer engagementThank you to all of our volunteers who participated in our second annual Volunteer Engagement Survey. You’ll recall, this survey was held this past winter (November – December 2015), and now it’s time to share our results.

The Volunteer Engagement Survey is a commitment within the AGO Strategic Plan, and allows us to measure volunteers’ perception of their experience here at the AGO, identify opportunities for improvement, and make informed decisions about which improvements need to be made. It is modelled on the AGO Staff Engagement Survey.

Navigator, (https://www.navltd.com) a leading national public opinion and market research firm, conducted our brief survey. The purpose of the survey was to gain an insight into your views so that we could have a clear understanding of your opinions and needs. All completed surveys were submitted directly to Navigator, and your individual answers were kept confidential, and anonymous.

Lisa Clements, Director, Corporate and Public Affairs, has provided the following highlights:


  • 95% of AGO volunteers who completed the survey are satisfied with their volunteer placement – this is an increase from 86% in 2013.
  • 80% of AGO volunteers describe themselves as “very satisfied” – an increase from 59% in 2013. This is a significant increase from 2013.
  • Satisfaction went up for responses for all 12 Gallup Statements in 2015.
  • All three departments – Public Programming & Learning; Prints & Drawings, Library and Archives and Visitor Services, Membership & Grange – had higher satisfaction scores.
  • Two statements in particular generate very strong agreement:
  • I know what is expected of me in my placement (96% agree; 93% in 2013)
  • My fellow volunteers are committed to delivering quality services (95% agree; 87% in 2013)
    • Biggest improvement in three statements:
  • This last year, I have had opportunities in my placement to learn and grow (87%; 66% in 2013 – 21 points increase)
  • There is someone in my department who encourages my development (69%; 54% in 2013- 15 points increase)
  • In the last six months, someone in my placement has talked to me about my progress (39% agree; up from 24% in 2013- 15 points increase). Note that only a minority agree with the statement – it is the lowest score.


  •  AGO volunteers far exceed “world class” engagement established by Gallup – 89% of AGO volunteers are engaged with their volunteer activities (73% in 2013)
  • Only 2% of volunteers are actively disengaged in 2015 (6% in 2013) – for every 45 volunteers, only one is categorized as ‘actively disengaged”
  • Prints, Drawings, Library & Archives have highest level of engagement, although smallest number of volunteers – 95% engaged (but 5% are neutral – which is higher than 2013)
  • Volunteers in Visitors Services, membership and the Grange have high engagement – 85% engaged – 0% disengaged – vast improvement over 2013.
  • Volunteers in Public Programming & Learning have lowest engagement ratio at 18:1) but it is improved from 2013 – 13:1)

Key Statistics:

  • 52% of AGO volunteers participated in 2015 – this is a decrease from 64% in 2013.
  • There are 300 active volunteers in 2015 – as compared to 420 active volunteers in 2013.
  • There were 80 volunteers who joined the AGO in September in 2015 (it was a busy time of recruitment), and thus these new volunteers would not feel the survey applied to them, with little to no volunteer experience at the AGO
  • 78% of respondents are 55 years of age or older, a significant increase over 2013 (59%).
  • Just under half (44%) of respondent volunteers have been in a placement with the AGO for five years or less. 565 have been volunteers for more than five years.

A full copy of the Navigator report is available for view in the volunteer lounge. Please consult the volunteer lounge bulletin board.

The Volunteer Executive is hosting a series of sharing sessions (discussion circles) in the volunteer lounge, the week of Monday March 7 – Sunday March 13. A chalkboard sign will be updated daily, with a schedule of daily discussion times. Just drop-in!

We think you’ll agree – we clearly have a lot to celebrate!

With your feedback, together we are building a stronger AGO!