Ai Weiwei #legosforweiwei drive

aiweiwei2Dear Volunteers,

The AGO will be joining museums from around the world in supporting Ai Weiwei in his #legosforweiwei drive.  In supporting Ai Weiwei, we stand united with artists who are experiencing censorship and discrimination around the world.

What’s this all about? Read the backstory, here:

The #legosforweiwei Drive

The #legosforweiwei drive launches Friday, November 20 at 12:30pm where AGO Leadership Team, staff, volunteers and Youth Council members will donate the inaugural pieces of Lego to the drive. If you are able to participate at the launch, please bring your (new and used) Lego bricks to the black BMW located at the southwest corner of Dundas and McCaul.

Going forward, staff, volunteers and visitors will be able to donate their Lego to a black BMW car- receptacle during the AGO’s regular hours of operation through the sunroof. The sunroof will only be open in good weather. In bad weather, there will be a donation bin available in GG Hall next to the umbrella stand where donations can be placed.

The car will remain on view until Sunday, January 3. Once the drive is over, Ai Weiwei’s studio will collect the donated Lego which will be used to create as yet to be determined new work!

We encourage you all to participate in the #legosforweiwei drive if you can!


Christy Thompson

Chief, Exhibitions and Collections