Congratulations to Shiralee Hudson Hill, who submitted the winning idea for the 2015 Bright Ideas contest! Shiralee’s idea is to create an AGO Orientation Video – a visitor-focused video that will empower visitors as they explore our galleries for the first time. This brief video (2-4 minutes) would be geared to first-time visitors by taking them through the basics of their first visit:
- Where to put their coat and bags
- Where to buy a ticket
- How to explore the galleries
- What to do with families
- Where to get help
For this year’s contest, which ran March 31 to April 28, staff and volunteers were asked, “How can we make visitors feel more welcome at the AGO?” Ideas had to:
- Improve visitor welcome – the sense of belonging and connection to the AGO
- Be implementable and affordable
- Fit under the goal of Grow our Audience
Ideas were evaluated by the Internal Communications Team using these criteria: Resources – 30%; Revenue Impact – 30%; Benefit Generated – 30%; and Originality – 10%. The top four ideas were brought to Senior Council to determine the winner. A working committee will be formed to develop the mandate, scope and timing of the AGO Orientation Video, which will be implemented by the end of the 2016/17 fiscal year. Stay tuned for more information! If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the process for next year’s contest, please forward to [email protected].