A Message from Retail: Changes for shopAGO

Dear Volunteers,

What is happening?

  • shopAGOkids has moved from its location on the lower level near cafeAGO and will now be situated on the main floor within shopAGO.
  • All merchandise will be moved to its new location by the end of today.

Why has shopAGOkids moved?

  • shopAGOkids has moved to provide our visitors with a more consolidated shopping experience. With everything available in one location, our retail staff will be able to better serve the needs of our visitors.
  • The increased exposure of shopAGOkids products will help to assist in better sales for the Gallery.

Will this change what is offered in shopAGO?

  • There will be no change to the merchandise we offer.
  • We will be remerchandising the store to consolidate all departments and make further tweaks to maximize each area and highlight our top performing products.