Why I Volunteer by Michaela Novotna (Prints & Drawings)

This month Michaela Novotna offers her thoughts on what it means to be a part of the AGO’s group of dedicated volunteers. Originally posted January 13, 2012.

Volunteer Michaela Novotna. Photo courtesy AGO photographer Craig Boyko

I volunteer in a place that reveres the mind’s journey through history. Each art object in our collection represents a thought, made manifest, in time. In that light, the AGO is a place where an individual’s unique experience of the world is considered important, and our visual observations (the artworks) are considered a valuable resource. Here, other curious people can come to engage with this resource in contemplation, discussion, and learning. I am delighted to work in a place where individual people are afforded such respect.

Two years into my volunteer commitment at the Marvin Gelber Print and Drawing Study Centre, I have come to see the volunteer’s role as a link between the thoughts and narratives of artists and curators (who are often unable to be present), and the visitor (who is always searching for something). Whether by being warm and welcoming, or available as a resource, as volunteers we facilitate a fantastic process. When visitors come here they come to stretch out, intellectually and emotionally. We try to help with that.Wonderfully, it works both ways. At the end of the day, I find that it is also I who’s had the stretch. How refreshing.This is why I continue to volunteer at the AGO.