Zoom recording now available: Making Her Mark: A History of Women Artists in Europe, 1400 – 1800

Thanks to everyone who attended our zoom call on the evening of Tuesday November 14, with Stephan Jost, and Alexa Greist. Alexa’s presentation, a sneek peek of what to expect when the exhibition opens in March 2024, is now available to watch from home, for those who missed it.

Click on this ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/eAQ-FcnumjNWMaCC1ehTIZHRJ2QB4JqR-4ERx5D9dAm9nRxZvYju6p08ei0fTj78.7xvQQlvtarsmc4vB?startTime=1699998253000

You will be asked to enter PASSCODE to view, please enter: @W6ZqD1!

Alexa’s talk was offered in thanks and recognition of exhibition support, offered through this year’s Volunteer Endowment Trust Funds. Stephan Jost, joined us as well, and gave a bit of a “state of the union” – a report on how we’re doing, and a reminder of our goals, as we move forward with our plan towards “AGO 2028.” His presentation – full of stats and visuals – will be shared via email (PDF). Watch your inboxes for a copy, and reach out to Holly if you miss it.