Connecting the Dots in Art and Travel

Gallery Guide Shelagh Barrington has been travelling through India, and shares the story of an artist’s work she first saw at the AGO back in 2007 …

The National Gallery of Modern Art, Delhi, India  

I first saw Subodh Gupta‘s work at the 2007 AGO exhibition Hungry god: Indian contemporary art (linked HERE).  Other artists in the show included:  Atual Dodiya, Tallur L.N., Bharti Kher, Justin Ponmany, Subodh Gupta (work pictured below), Ranbir Kaleka, Jitish Kallat,Tushar Joag, and Reena Saini Kallat.

Shelagh in India with Subodh Gupta’s work
Subodh Gupta (detail)

Drawing out attention to our disposable society by using everyday items to construct, a tree of life?      

this magnificent tree also situated in the gallery’s courtyard

Another interesting connection, I also saw a piece by this artist in a private collection in Kansas City while attending the 2022 National Docent Symposium.

Shelagh Barrington, Gallery Guide

National Docent Symposium (NDS) Council for Canada

We know it’s the time of year for travel for many of our volunteers. Want to share a story? Send your submission to Holly Procktor ([email protected]) to post!