Sharing Cian’s recent talk with AGO volunteers: DEIA Overview – recording now available

Hello Volunteers,

I’m happy to share below, a copy of the recording of our recent talk with Cian Knights, AGO Manager of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility.

Setting the groundwork: Cian’s presentation includes definitions that help us understand the differences between Equality and Equity and how we’re looking to support both at the Gallery

Cian’s presentation provided a structured roadmap of our DEIA program and how it is unfolding at the Gallery. The slides are full of facts and figures, and plainly suggests what we’re doing, and where we need to go; milestones, celebrations, areas to work on, and next steps.

In our shared conversations in the volunteer lounge this week, some folks mentioned to me that this presentation felt like a review, (and it is), but my intention in inviting Cian to join us, was to re-establish the Gallery’s goals top of mind, and to set the stage for DEIA volunteer training to come.

For those that weren’t able to join us, I encourage you all to watch when you can. Click on the link BELOW to view: (a reminder, this resource is for volunteers only, please do not share)

Cian mentions that a copy of the presentation can be downloaded, so no need to take notes – we’ve included a PDF of the presentation’s slides to volunteers in this week’s email (check your inbox!)

Next week, we’ll be sending a survey to all volunteers, so that you can help us pick upcoming topics; we want to hear what you feel you need, what you’d like to learn more about, and benefit from.

Thank you for your commitment to our continuous learning journey together!

– Holly (volunteer resources)