Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

This week, I would like to acknowledge a very special person, someone whom, sadly, we lost last Friday – Trustee Emeritus Carol Rapp, who passed away at age 89. Carol loved the AGO. She loved art, she loved artists, and she loved new ideas. Many of you knew her – she had been part of the AGO family since the 60s, when she first became involved as a volunteer at the gift shop, and then as a long-serving member of our Board. She and her husband Mort made many important and generous gifts to the AGO all the way through Stage III to Transformation AGO to our current aspirations for the Dani Reiss Modern and Contemporary Gallery. Carol appreciated the past, but focused heavily on the promise of the future, and pushed us all towards that lofty goal. She made the AGO better, and it won’t be the same without her. I say this with deep affection.

Here is a picture of Carol in her signature red glasses. A salute to you, Carol, and your enduring sense of style!