Weekly Message from the Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone,

A very big THANK YOU to all of you for contributing to a successful March Break last week – especially Education & Programming, Visitor Experience and Facility Services. Overall attendance was quite positive – close to 27,500 visitors in total, averaging 3,053 per day. This was considerably higher than last year and I am grateful for everyone’s efforts to make it a wonderful experience for our public, especially children and families.

Thank you also to those involved with installing the upcoming Wolfgang Tillmans show, To look without fear, a major retrospective organized by MoMA. It performed extraordinarily well at MoMA and I expect it to give us a lift here, too. Sophie Hackett is the AGO curator. Tillmans is a global art star, recognized broadly and also particularly within the queer community. We are having a very big public opening on Friday, April 12 and you are all invited. Here are the details:


Spread the word!

Take care,
