A Note from Curatorial Affairs: Staffing Update

After 16 months at the AGO, Xiaoyu Weng has resigned from her role as the Carol & Morton Rapp Curator, Modern & Contemporary Art. As many of you know, Xiaoyu came to Toronto from New York, a city in which she has both professional and personal ties, and will be returning to spend more time there.

I would like to thank Xiaoyu for her contributions to the AGO, including the acquisition of important works of art, and stewardship of our Modern & Contemporary Committee and Contemporary Circle donors, among other accomplishments. As everyone knows, there is a great deal of activity happening at the AGO as we continue to re-build and fulfill our mission for our public.

I acknowledge that with Xiaoyu’s departure, there is a gap in staffing in the Modern & Contemporary area, something which Stephan and I are focused on. More news will be shared on that front in due course. 

Thank you,


Julian Cox (pronouns: he/him/his)

Deputy Director & Chief Curator