Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

Rocco Saverino, our outgoing Chief Financial Officer

Today is Rocco’s last day at the museum after years of extraordinary contributions and service. What I have learned about Rocco is that everything he does is motivated by his desire to see the AGO thrive and reach its potential. His thoughtful and steady approach has helped the AGO remain financially viable during unsteady times, and not just COVID. Over the lifespan of an organization there are incredible moments of success but there are always challenges that pop up along the way. Rocco has his eye on the future, not just the present, and his planning for a rainy day has helped guide the AGO’s success in overcoming challenges. Most significant is that Rocco is a good person, he has a good heart. He truly cares. Thank you Rocco, for your care and your heart.

In addition to Refat Jiwani, our capable interim CFO who joins us on Monday, I have great confidence in Rocco’s team and thank them for stepping up during this period of transition: Kristine Medeiros, Cindy O, Chris Steele and Carlos Mera.