Remembering Harriet Ades

We are so sad to share news that longtime AGO volunteer Harriet Ades, with 20+ years of service, passed away on Friday January 20. It is hard to imagine her gone.

Always beautifully accessorized and with a knowing look that could
light up a room, our beloved Harriet

A former teacher of Visual Arts and English at the senior secondary school level, Harriet became a volunteer in retirement. As a teacher, she was recognized for being so well prepared, organized and tremendously resourceful and she brought these gifts to us. She was a warm and inviting guide, who so enjoyed the stalwart company of her Tuesday AM crew; many of whom shared these wonderful memories:   

I feel immeasurably sad as she was a partner in the artistic discussion at the AGO for so many years! She was a feisty lady who was always ready to take part in a joke and the first to come to someone’s aide. Of course, we always took pleasure in seeing the jewelry she chose to wear

I really did enjoy her company. I’m sure she’s chatting about art right now and probably leading a discussion about it, just in a better place.

I really loved starting the week with the Tuesday Crew and always managed to stroll in with Harriet or see her on the way out. All your love of art and care for each other and the gallery was/is wonderful. Harriet would let me know about her day, artistic anecdotes, when she thought something wasn’t a good idea, and when she was ready for a cocktail. I loved her great hugs, which when offered made me feel I could keep going for the rest of the day.

I have a special place in my heart for Harriet. We had so many warm conversations and hugs over the years. I will miss her tremendously. Even though she hadn’t been active in the program for some time, she has always been close to my heart – I can picture her in the volunteer lounge now, and in fact she crossed my mind last week. I see her dressed to the nines and so completely, perfectly accessorized. She always had a kind word to say and looked on the bright side of life – I found her a real joy to be around.

Lovingly Remembered