Remembering Bernie Gelfand

This badge photo of Bernie doesn’t capture his zest for life, but does capture his wonderful glasses!

Sharing the sad news that Bernie Gelfand, a beloved, long time member of the Wednesday evening crew of Information Guides, passed away in mid-December. A Memorial service has been set:

  • Wednesday, January 25th
  • 1:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Arts and Letters Clubs
  • 14 Elm Street

 Bernard’s wife, Dorothy, has requested that anyone wishing to attend Bernie’s Memorial service send her their RSVP/share their email address with her so she can forward a personal invitation with details. Dorothy’s email address is [email protected]

Bernie joined us in his retirement. He had a doctorate in Social Work, and had taken studio courses at the Gallery before joining our volunteer community 13 years ago. He is lovingly remembered for his optimism, energy, artistry, friendship and great wit (There was never a dull moment with Bernie around!)

We are grateful to share these remembrances from Bernie’s volunteer and staff colleagues:

He was a beloved member of the vibrant Wednesday night group. He also recently celebrated his 86th birthday while on shift! He was so funny, intelligent, kind and young of spirit. He will be greatly missed.

Bernie’s wry sense of humour, sage wisdom and the way he engaged all kinds of gallery visitors are all the things I will dearly miss.  I could always count on Bernie to be there on time and ready to greet visitors.

He was a fun, generous and intelligent man.

He was an incredible artist who loved Manet and Monet – this painting (above) by Bernie is an echo of that style.

He was such a kind man, with such wit and creativity; whether it be painting, writing or singing.  I remember a few years back seeing a play he wrote at the Sandcastle Theatre. I enjoyed, and will miss, the many conversations we had about art, the best art supplies and our creative projects.

During a memorable National Volunteer Week, Bernie and I sat side-by-side in the volunteer lounge, making buttons, just the two of us, cutting and pasting and collaging well past an hour together. It was wonderful to be joined by someone whose enthusiasm for making things matched mine.

Lovingly Remembered